Triad Healthcare, Inc.'s medical policies are designed to properly address real-world medical scenarios within allied specialty healthcare. Our adherence to medical necessity permeates the manner in which we encourage providers to administer care.
Please click here to download a .zip file containing all of our current medical policies.
Please click the links below to open or save our individually listed, current medical policies:
- TMMP1 - Patient Under Twelve Years of Age
- TMMP2 - Severity Adjusting Reported Conditions/Diagnoses
- TMMP3 - Frequency of Care
- TMMP10 - Intensity of Care
- TMMP11 - Necessity for Regional Application of Chiropractic Manipulative Treatment
- TMMP12 - Spinal CMT with Concurrent Non-Spinal / Extra-Spinal CMT
- TMMP13 - Convergent Modalities and/or Therapeutic Procedure
- TMMP14 - Redundant Modalities and/or Therapeutic Procedure
- TMMP15 - Minimal Clinical Progress
- TMMP16 - Definition of -Established- Services.
- TMMP17 - Contraindications to Care
- TMMP 18 - Medical Necessity Policy
- TMMP 19 - Evaluation and Management Services (New Patient)
- TMMP 20 - Evaluation and Management Services (Established Patient)
- TMMP 21 - Concurrent Evaluation and Management Services
- TMMP 23 - Therapeutic Care Policy
- TMMP 24 - Criteria for Determining Consideration of Medically Necessary Services
- TMMP 25 - Electrodiagnosis
- TMMP 26 - Durable Medical Equipment
- TMMP 28 - Neuromusculoskeletal Policy
- TMMP 29 -Radiology
- TMMP 31 - Coding and Reporting Chiropractic Manipulative Treatment
- TMMP 32 - Exploratory or Confirmatory Diagnostic Evaluation Policy
- TMMP 33 - Clinical Judgment
- TMMP 34 - Billing for family-staff members policy
- TMMP 35 - Treatment of family-staff members policy
- TMMP 36 - Scoliosis